Cheri MCC

Master Coach, @CHOICE Coaching | Consulting LLC

Motivation and Development | Self-Development, Emotional Wellbeing, Work-life Balance

Cheri MCC


Cheri is dedicated to unleashing her client's personal and professional excellence. She believes her clients are whole, resourceful, and creative, enabling them to achieve their desired goals. She has served in the Federal and private sectors. The impact of Cheri's coaching on clients is conveyed through authorized testimonials: "...The encouragement Cheri gave me has caused me to grow and stretch in new directions and to question former beliefs that led to discouragement and bad habits... This process helped me improve my interpersonal skills with colleagues and better manage stress and conflicts... " Looking forward to exploring how I can be  of service to your dreams!


Burnout, Financial Well-being, Healthy Lifestyles, Leadership, Life Challenges, Mindfulness & Meditation, Parenting, Relationships, Sleep, Stress & Anxiety, Work Performance