Prof. Dame Wendy Hall

Professor - University of Southampton (Computer Science) | Co-Chair - UK Government AI Review | Fellow of the Royal Society, Independent

Innovation, AI/ML & Technology | AI/ML, Data Science, Academics

Prof. Dame Wendy Hall


Professor Dame Wendy Hall, Regius Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton, is a distinguished authority in Web Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science. Recognized for groundbreaking work in multimedia and hypermedia, Wendy is a globally sought-after keynote speaker on computer science, AI, and technology. Her pivotal contributions in the mid-1980s include co-developing the Microcosm Hypermedia System, a precursor to the World Wide Web. Wendy co-founded the Web Science Research Initiative, co-chairs the UK Government’s AI Review, and leads the Web Science Trust. Her honors include roles at the Ada Lovelace Institute and BT Technology Advisory Board, and prestigious awards like the Suffrage Science Award and Anita Borg Award for Technical Leadership. A Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society, Wendy inspires audiences worldwide with her insights into digital innovation and leadership in technology.